Friday, May 2, 2014

Lets stand up and show the Government they can't control everything

Okay I was just told that it is impossible to become a millionaire with out the government getting there share. I am really think that everyone is sick of taxes and more taxes. So I really think I have a way to pull this off, but I have to make sure all my followers are on board. Please if you read this get all your friends to sign up too my blog so when I announce this idea it will be a huge hit. This will only cost a dollar and the beautiful thing is that we will make thew papers and the news for just a an idea that made  a million dollars without the government getting one penny. So if you are sick of always paying taxes and if you own a business and feel the squeeze that the government sticks to you and all the taxes we have to pay. It is time to get on this list please tell everyone because this could be fun to get our revenge. Let the list begin.

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