Sunday, December 22, 2013

Thanks to all that made the Stocking Stuffer Classic happen

Just wanted to thank everyone for coming to the Stocking Stuffer Classic we just had yesterday December 21, 2013. Turned out to be an amazing Event with 150 entries and tons of good racing. I would like to thank RC Soup for helping Redneck RC get this event all together. The last race of the night was a Dash for Cash with the winner getting half the money and the other half being donated to the Children's Network. We ran the track backwards but had some interesting rules. If you wrecked and  could not get back to racing (like upside down) and no one helped you after 30 seconds your vehicle was pulled off the track. If you purposely took someone out you were disqualified and if the guy you took out was stuck we would fix his vehicle so he can be back in it. It ended up with three out of ten left and the battle to the end was with 2 trucks I have to say that was a fun race. Well have a great day and hope to see some of you at our next even which we will be announcing soon.

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