Saturday, January 4, 2014

The Magical Answers we Got to "What Makes You Shop Online Instead of Your Local Hobby Shop"

      In the last post I asked "What Makes You Shop Online Instead of Your Local Hobby Shop". I got a couple answers from people in which I do appreciate that again thanks for the input. I also had my employees ask the customers the same questions and here is the top three I got. The first and the biggest reason is that we can buy online cheaper than we can buy local. It is so much easier to just sit at your computer and shop that seems to be the second reason. The third reason is of course there is no tax on the product we buy. Another good answer I got was they buy in a niche market.
      Okay my response to all of these answers, which all are good answers. Is that for the first all you have to do is ask some hobby shops usually will match anybodies price on the internet. We have too many products to look up everyone and see who is selling it the cheapest this week because it does change, and we can not always beat it but we can get as close as we can, but at least you asked and gave us the chance. For the second reason I really have no answer for I would love to have the customer come in the store and we can surf the web with them and find the product they want. The advantage to that is that our specialist can actually help you buy what you really need incase you order something that really is not what you thought it was, and that has happened a lot. Last of all we can not do anything about the tax, and the states all want there money they have bills to pay too I guess, but I always try to get as low as I can to make the customer happy. I have no other solution just hope more people start buying local just to help the shops that are there for you to take advantage of to get the knowledge you need to best suite your needs.
      Just remember your local hobby shop has to pay rent, bills, employees, internet and so much more you don't see. You can run an internet business out of you garage if you want you do not need all of the overhead. I am not saying that a lot of internet business do that there are a lot that have a hobby shop too. I do not frown upon anyone that buys over the internet because we are there to help everyone. If you break your vehicle rather it be land, sea or air we will be there to help you. So hope you all enjoy and have a great day. Please feel free to ask questions you want to know anything or private message me if you do not want to write were everyone can see. Again have a great day until tomorrow we will meet again.

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