Monday, January 13, 2014

What Personality is Behind Your Hobby and Why?

Okay I know there is a lot of people out there that have a hobby or two, but my question is to all of you what is your favorite hobby. I can see things that a lot of people do not see being a business owner. I notice that there is a difference between the personalities of all remote control hobby users. Just in remote control vehicles you can see a big difference in personalities. You have the off road road racers that are mostly there to have fun and it looks like everyone is having a good time relaxing. Then you walk through the door from the off road track to the carpet track and you would think that you are in a different world. The carpet oval racers have a totally different attitude than the off road racers and it is really weird to see. I am not saying that everyone is like this but it seems to fit most. I guess I would like to here from you fans and tell me why you think they are do different, and I did not for get the airplane and helicopter people either. They are split in different categories too and it is hard to explain. More of a difference between they guys that build and the ones that just by ready to fly because they are not interested in building. So if you have any opinions on what you think please let me know I would be very interested in hearing everyones opinions.

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