Monday, September 1, 2014

The hobby shop industry were is it going?

Well even though I love the Remote Control business I have been a hobby shop owner for about 20 years and I have come to a conclusion that the internet is the only way to really survive in the business. There are so many online stores even though you match prices and give great customer support people like to shop from there home. There are people that love to go to shops to and look at what they are buying, but the online shoppers out weigh the local hobby shops. The funny thing is that i has an indoor off road track, indoor carpet track, and outdoor off road track. Now that I decided to close the shop because the people you help and try to help the most they still buy online, and don't get me wrong you do have loyal customers. You can not expect to get all purchases, but you at least hope they will give thou a shot at getting there product first. The other funny part is that they expect you to have every part in stock, but there are way too many parts and they are not always in stock. I have too admit there is always human error too you have to factor that in to the equation. I know then you say why don't you add an online store too, but here is the problem not only is that a big task you have to stay up on prices everyday they are always changing. New products are coming out at such a fast pace and now the distributors have there own website pricing margins are getting thinner. Then you have the Hobby King that sells batteries, electronics, and vehicles cheaper than the hobby shop can pay for them, Well enough complaining, but for all the hobby shops that understand how tough its getting god luck and hang in there hopefully somehow there will be a change.


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Proto X Nano: The Greatest Remote Control for the Price!!!!!!

Proto X Nano: Now Back In Stock They Will Not Lat Long!

This is the last post I will do on Proto X Nano if you do not have one you must get one now. This is the funnest Rc you can play with for the price. This is not just for RC air customers this is for everyone to have fun. For the price of $39.99 you will have more fun with this than you can imagine. Go to your Local Hobby shop and have them do a demo for you it will be quite impressing that I guarantee. 
This is a new product that just came on the seen just before christmas and seems to be an unbelievable item we can not keep them in stock.

Click the link below to order yours now!!!

Yes this mini copter made by Estes only sells for $39.99 and it is ready to fly and flies great. Comes with everything it is a must have for your kids and adults and it really takes a lot of abuse. Well hope you can find one and have a great holiday.

FEATURES: Plastic body with window and trim detail
          LED light indicates front and back of the heli, and also helps in
            low light flying
          4-channel 2.4GHz Radio with digital trims
          Four micro motors
          100mAh 3.7V LiPo battery
          USB charge cord
          One-piece PCB frame

INCLUDES: RTF Proto X Nano Quadcopter, 2.4GHz Radio, LiPo Battery, USB Charge
            Cord, 4 spare rotor blades, and Instructions

REQUIRES: AAA Batteries: Two for transmitter

SPECS:    Dimensions: 1.8 x 1.8" (45 x 45mm)
          Weight: 0.40oz (11.5g)

COMMENTS: For additional information or support for this item, please use
            these resources:
            Web Site:
            Phone: 217-398-8970

          Due to its very small size, the Proto-X has a built-in LiPo battery
            that is not designed for replacement.  Attempting to remove or
            replace the Lipo battery will likely damage the quadcopter. In
            addition, precise placement of the battery is critical for proper
            CG, balance and performance and isn't recommended for consumer

Friday, May 2, 2014

Lets stand up and show the Government they can't control everything

Okay I was just told that it is impossible to become a millionaire with out the government getting there share. I am really think that everyone is sick of taxes and more taxes. So I really think I have a way to pull this off, but I have to make sure all my followers are on board. Please if you read this get all your friends to sign up too my blog so when I announce this idea it will be a huge hit. This will only cost a dollar and the beautiful thing is that we will make thew papers and the news for just a an idea that made  a million dollars without the government getting one penny. So if you are sick of always paying taxes and if you own a business and feel the squeeze that the government sticks to you and all the taxes we have to pay. It is time to get on this list please tell everyone because this could be fun to get our revenge. Let the list begin.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Ending the War Between Sales and Marketing

Sales departments tend to believe that marketers are out of touch with what’s really going on with customers. Marketing believes the sales force is myopic—too focused on individual customer experiences, insufficiently aware of the larger market, and blind to the future. In short, each group often undervalues the other’s contributions.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

To all hobby shop owners may the force be with you.

Well now that I have seen about everything and been in the business for a long time that is the Remote Control hobby business. I just get so frustrated that I can not convince all the customers to buy local instead of the internet I have written articles like this before that has got a lot of attention. The thing that stumps me is that I can get the same product for the same price but most of the time I can get it a little cheaper. All we ask is give us a shot t the product you need we will do out best to help. Maybe I am just get burnt out from being in this business for so long and doing everything I can to make all of my customers happy. Maybe I have just got to personal and help to many people and just run the shop like a business man. As we all know business is really tough right now and you have to stay on top of your game the good thing about the hobby industry people will always buy there toys. Just maybe it is time for me to sell out and move on and let someone else that has the love for this hobby to get in there show there enthusiasm and make Redneck RC the hobby shop of the future.

Monday, March 24, 2014

The Redneck Games April 12, 2014: 3x Mini Races You Wont Forget

Well as I said there will be an announcement coming soon and here it is. This is our last big bash for the indoor season before we go outside and this will be a race that will be remembered. We are having 3x Mini races at the end of each round and they are going to be a blast to watch and enter. The first is the Blindfold Race The driver is blindfolded while the spotter is giving direction, then there is the Zip-Tie Race another teram race both drivers are driving there own car but they will be zip tied together, and last of all the Paul Sinclair Team Race one driver with a 2wd buggy the other with SC truck and you have to use the SC truck to either stop other teams from hitting you or to hit other teams buggies. Yes all the classes are listed on the flyer below, but it seems that the Vintage 17.5 Blinky is really starting to grow. So get signed up as son as you can because we are having a cut off for entries so it is only a one day race. Hope to see you there and for first time racers Redneck always aims to please and we sure do things to make it exciting and interesting.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Redneck RC with one last big bash indoor.

As the winter season is winding down and outdoor season is approaching us fast it is now time to take a step back and begin the thought process of what to do for outdoor racing. Before I take that plunge we have yet another great race to announce that will be happening on April 12, 2014 and this too will be a race that will not be forgotten. We at Redneck RC go above and beyond not only to have great racing but to do things that amuse the racers and fun events that we make money on for charity and yet another one of these events we are going to do for YOU. Yes we are all about the fun at Rednck RC and if you have not been to one our events I would highly recommend you coming and checking it out, but I will be keeping you posted as the event gets out together and the information starts leaking out. Hope to see some of you there have a great time with your Remote Control weather it is land, sea, and air redneck will always be there.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Tamiya 1/10 The Frog 2WD Buggy Kit

This is for all of you RC fanatics that have been doing this for a while and just might remember the fun old days of the RC building. Yes the Tamiya Frog was as big as it could be back in the day it was one of the most popular 1/10 buggies to put together, and back then this was built awesome and you thought they could never make anything better than this. Well as we all look back on that technology and know we are way off, but you know machines like this is what kept us interested in the hobby and the ever so fast changing pace we are on right now. It is always lets get one hop on everyone else and have to get the newest item as soon as it comes out. You will never hear me complain because I am the same way, but it just seems to be moving to fast now and you don't get a chance to enjoy your new vehicle before the next is already out. Well believe it or not I have sold quite a few of these remakes to people that wanted there kids to learn like they did. I don't know if it was just a little part of them that too thought oh my god how much fun was this when I was a kid after all they do have way more advanced models to build.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Second Annual HillBilly HoeDown Wrap Up…..

This weekend was the Second Annual HillBilly HoeDown and we had a 189 entries for this race and every year we can see it getting bigger and bigger. The HillBilly HoeDown is a race that we all make fun by having a costume son test and handing out funny door prizes. We actually have a light show we put on like supercross and have some fun races. This year we did it a little different we had a team race one member of the team held the radio and pulled the trigger while the other steered and it was fun too watch. Then beside the awesome light show we had going on we had  a hula hoop contest with all the racers and the winer got a RTF plane and that was the funniest thing to watch. We had at least 20 racers try to hula hoop and there was actually too really good ones. One of our beginner racers who is quite young happened to go out there and light it up with about 2 minutes, Then the lights came back on and the mains began and yes we had a lot of great racing too. Well hopefully next time you can get a chance to come out and enter out fun event. So remember for next year look for the HillBilly HoeDown. and hope to see some of you there.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Hillbilly Hoedown March 15, 2014

Let the fun begin this is a race you will not forget not only are we racing and have fun door prizes we are having a Hillbilly costume contest. Much more to come you have to be there to see what we have in store.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

A Birthday I Will Never Forget

I would like to truly thank everyone for the happy birthday wishes and I must say it turned out to be a birthday I will never forget. I was in the hospital visiting my mother and I got a call on the phone that said my father has just past away. Yes he has lived a long life and a great man who was self built. A very successful man who started with nothing and built everything he owned. A very smart money conscious man in which I sure did not get from him. Well I can not say that I try not to just buy stuff, but when it comes to my son I spend way too much. So enough said about that but to have him pass away on my birthday like I said it will a day now that I not only age, but the remembrance  of my father who left me a lot of wisdom and only someday can I wish to be as successful as him.

Monday, February 17, 2014

This is a big thanks to all RC customers we all appreciate your business!

Well as we all know the economy is not the best and times are getting harder we all see that everywhere, but I have to thank all of the RC drivers and flyers that love there hobby. Even though things are rough all over they are supporting the industry and I am sure all the Hobby shop owners very much appreciate it. I can tell you that all my valuable customers who shop at Redneck RC I thank you very much for helping us keep the ball rolling. I know there are millions of options out there were to buy and I know sometimes you get things at other places, but you know what I just appreciate the business that you give us. So if you own a Hobby shop now is the time to thank all your customers and tell them they are the reason why you are in business. And let them know you are going to try to keep giving them everything you can but remember if you don't have it in stock go out of your way to let them know you can have there within 2 days and your prices is going to be the same price they can buy it online for or maybe even a little cheaper. So again thank you all the customers that buy hobby products weather it be land, sea or air we are here for your needs.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Motorama you have to go to believe it

Well this is the week of one of the funnest races you can ever imagine, and they call it Motorama. Yes this is a huge event literally speaking it is the biggest connection of buildings that I have ever seen in my life. This is just not RC car racing it has everything going on in this building. They have the small 1/10 scale track which really is not small and the have an 1/8 scale track that is huge. This is just the start also this weekend at Motorama they have a huge car show with some unbelievable cars that all in itself is amazing to watch. Then we can go down the hall a little further and there is a Areana Cross race going on yes thats what I said indoor motorcycle racing. That is not all then you enter into another trade show with anything you can imagine but then branches off and one way they have an indoor go cart track. I am not talking about the ones you rent this is the real deal the ones they race and that is a riot to watch too, but just up the hall a little bit I got to watch the robot wars. You know were they build these machines to destroy each other and I have to admit that was awesome too. Then you go into another big section with so much to buy and you can ride a bull and do some drifting. I guess what I am trying to say there is something here for almost everyone. Too much to list if you get a chance you should nmake your way down and check out the event it is remarkable place to go.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Review On The Associated B5 And All Waiting On The B5M

Well as everyone in the RC community knows that the Team Associated B5 rear motor is out and really works well. We got a shipment in as soon as they came in the door they went right back out. Our first race we had with three B5 entered turned out pretty good the took the top two spots, but lets also realize that the drivers were exceptionally good drivers. If you are a beginner you are not going to take a kit off the shelf and go out and win even though it might make you drive better and you get better lap times it still takes a little experience to be on top. Now er safe all waiting for the B5 mid motor to hit the shelf so I suggest you all go to your local hobby shops and reserve them now because once they come in they will all be gone.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

What type of RC Airplane Events do you like to attend?

I found this article in Model Airplane news and thought it was pretty interesting I would to hear what people enjoy most.

Traveling to events, trade shows, fun flys and competitions is a great way to increase your experience and a fun way to learn new things about the hobby. The MAN editors travel across the country to cover national and regional events so we can bring you our readers, the latest and greatest news and happenings. Where do you like to go and why?

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Nitro vs Electric Which Is Better For Your Needs

Here ia question a couple years ago no one would be asking, what do you like better Nitro or Electric. Well I know we are going to have different opinions on this I am kind of bias now I am totally a electric freak now all of my remote control vehicles are electric. I am not saying anything bad about the nitro vehicles because if you have been doing it for a while and you like tuning your engine they are for you. Me on the other hand I just like to plug it in and go I have fixed so many nitro's in my day I do not care if I have to ever touch another one.

All the things that use to be so bad with electric are now fixed and improved beyond belief, and one of the biggest was the 5 minute run times you use to get oh who am I kidding it was about 3. Now the run times are anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour depending on the battery you purchase. The the other thing was speed, but now the electric acre way faster than the nitro they come ready to run out of the box at 70 mph, and you can still make them faster.

The one thing I can not forget to add is they are starting to come waterproof and we have to thank Traxxas for making this happen. Just think you can now take your remote control vehicle anywhere you want. Yes you can go mudding you can totally submerge these vehicles under water through creeks and streams or wherever you wish to go. That means they can be used in all weather conditions rain, sleet, and snow, but I highly recommend not playing with your remote control in s tornado or any sort of storm with this type of quality because you may never see it again. On the other hand you will have a story to tell the rest of your life. Well please leave me some feedback on what you think is better for you Nitro or Electric and yes 1/5th scales are gas you can also leave feedback on them too.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Trying RC Sign Up For The Hillbilly Hoedown: March 15, 2014

We are going to attempt to use for pre-registration for the Hillbilly Hoedown. This is in testing so be aware that details on the event page may change. Classes and costs are setup. You can pay if you wish. It keeps track of who paid.

If you haven't used Rc Signup before, you need to create a free account. Then you need to add your vehicles to your profile. Finally you can go to the event page and sign up for the classes you wish.

Please be sure that the info you enter is 100% correct including transponder numbers. This will save us valuable time on race day. You can go in and edit your entries anytime if you need to edit details.

Event link is below:

Please be patient with us if there are any unforeseen issues as this is our first attempt at using this.

Monday, February 10, 2014

The Hillbilly Hoedown: First Off Road Vintage Race

We put it on Facebook in the Redneck group which is called Rednck Raceway and Hobbies, and yes we know there is an e missing in Redneck. We have had a huge response on the vintage raced and people wanted to know the year. We are going to do the same as the nationals and that would be any remote control vehicle that is older that 1994. So this looks to be a fun race and we are allowing the new ones that are coming out of the old remakes because they are identical to the old ones. So if you have a vintage off road vehicle come on out to the Hillbilly Hoedown and have some fun. Hope to see you all there.

The track layout will be different than the picture shown.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Hillbilly Hoedown Presented By Redneck RC, LLC

Here is our first release for the Hillbilly Hoedown if you plan to come you might need to make reservations we plan to cut off the registrations on this one, The last event was awesome turnout we just had a few too many making for too long of a day for the racers. This event we are only taking 200 entries. Hope to see you there have a great day.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Cyborg Beetles To Be The US Military's Latest Weapon

In January, researchers from the University of California, Berkeley, told a stunned conference audience that they had managed to create a remote-controlled cyborg beetle by attaching a computer chip to the brain of a giant insect. Now, the paper explaining how they did it has been published in the journal Frontiers In Neuroscience, and they have released a video of the cyber-bug in action.
The cyborg beetle was designed as part of a DARPA project that looks to equip insects with cameras and other sensors in an attempt to turn them into tiny, biological UAVs. The rhinoceros beetle was selected because, as one of the world's largest insects, it could carry the biggest payload.
The video below speaks for itself. Zombified with parts available at Radio Shack, the cyborg beetle flies around the room, controlled by a researcher at a laptop.
The day of military-controlled, giant cyborg insects is upon us. Someone call Godzilla, I think we're going to need some help.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Remote Control Cars and Truck vs Remote Control Airplanes and Helicopters

As we all know there is and always will be a dispute between remote control ground vehicles and remote control air vehicles. That use to be the way it was you either like ground or air, but now days some people have both. So that still don't answer the ultimate question what do rc users like best air or ground please tell us your pick.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

RC10B5M Team Kit: Finally Arrived

1:10 scale 2WD off road has been Team Associated’s signature racing class since the release of the original RC10 in 1984. The Team Associated RC10 buggy series has won eleven I.F.M.A.R. World Championships since the class began in 1985.

The engineers in Team Associated’s Area 51 designed the RC10B5M to specifically address the demands of racing on high-speed, high-grip tracks where the mid-motor chassis is at its best. The new suspension and chassis adjustments allow the platform to be tuned for both dirt and multi-surface while maintaining the forgiving driving style racers have become accustomed to with Team Associated vehicles. 

The RC10B5M Team Kit utilizes a dedicated mid-motor chassis configuration, but still shares nearly 90% of the same parts as the rear-motor B5 Team Kit. The aluminum, hard-anodized chassis, gull wing front suspension arm geometry, Factory Team V2 threaded shocks, and Factory Team VTS slipper clutch are all standard features and give the RC10B5M the ultimate in performance. 

The RC10B5M has all the makings of a champion, and with the proven performance from Team Associated, you’re assured of support no matter where you go. If high-speed, high-grip tracks are your game, the B5M has what it takes to give you the winning advantage.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

200 SR X BNF with SAFE™ Technology

Blade does it again time after time they are always producing high quality product for a grew price. Advancing from an intermediate heli to an advanced flybarless heli has never been more seamless than with the 200 SR X. The Blade® 200 SR X is the first fixed pitch heli to employ SAFE™ Technology for an unparalleled flybarless heli experience. SAFE technology helps to facilitate the learning process with beginner, intermediate and experienced flight mode options. Each flight mode utilizes varying amounts of bank limiting and advanced stability characteristics to assist pilots. Additionally, SAFE technology enables a panic button that can automatically return the 200 SR X to steady flight with the push of a button. This durable heli arrangement is complimented by brushless main and tail motors that make the most of the included 800mAh 3S 30C LiPo flight battery and 3-Cell LiPo AC Powered balancing charger. Best of all, the 200 SR X BNF comes ready to bind with your favorite 6-channel extended range 2.4GHz DSM® enabled Spektrum™ transmitter.

Price: $219.99

Monday, February 3, 2014

Redneck RC 2nd Annual Hillbilly Hoedown

Early announcement Redneck RC is now announcing the Hillbilly Hoedown this event will be happening on March 15, 2014. This event is based on FUN yeah this is an event for everyone to enjoy themselves while racing. We do have the best hillbilly costume will win something, but it is too early to tell to many details. I will keep everyone informed, but just a heads up keep that date open it will be another Redneck event you will not forget.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Souperbowl Shakedown Rundown Of The Event

Well here is the recap of the Souperbowl Shakedown at Redneck RC. I have to give all the racers kudos, but after all we had 210 entries. The racing was intense and a lot of great racers. We had the show running great everything was going awesome. Then what could go wrong did go wrong. Yes we got through the first main then what happens the file got corrupted and all the mains got ruined. It was already late so the racers decided to just take the plaques by the order they qualified in. Thank you racers for that or it would have been the longest night ever. We did end up putting in the tock buggy class because X-Factory was giving away a free chassis to the winner and that was Combat Carl he took the Trophy home and the X-Factory chassis. Again I would like to thank everyone for coming out and hope to see you at the next event.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Preparation For A Long Day: X-Factory Team Arrives Today!

Well today is another long day at the hobby shop we have to get the track ready for the big race tomorrow, but the track is open at noon for practice so lots more to do. Then we have the X-Factory team coming in today and they are going to do a little practicing. Later on tonight they are also doing a clinic to answer any questions on how to setup there off road vehicles. Then we have open practice again for a couple hours. Then we finally close the track down and get it all prepped for the race Saturday which is 2/1/2014. So I guess it will be another long night for the redneck trying to get everything ready for the big race.

This is the last layout not the new one.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

What Is The Best Basher RC Truck For A 15 Year Old?

I am buying a truck for my 15 year old son to bash with what do you thick I should buy him. What do you think about the Traxxas Summit.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

What Is The Best Speed Control RC Enthusiast Like Air, Land, and Sea?

I know there is a lot of debate on this subject with so many speed controls to choose from so now I am going to ask all of the RC enthusiast whether you are land see and air what do you think the best speed control. Owning a hobby shop I have used them all and seen them all but there are a lot of different types and classes. Remember for ground you have the bashers, racers, rock, crawling, basher that also races, and much more to many to list. Not only all these classes there are different scales. For the Air craft you also have so many different categories of flying like indoor flying, park flyers, and your normal outside club flying. They also have Helicopters, planes, quad copters and I am sure a lot of other aircraft and they also have many different scales. The boat people also have many different scales and uses there are too many to list. So if you can just tell us your favorite manufacture and what you use it in that will give a general idea for all the newer people out there looking to purchase one. Thank you and hope to see what everyone else likes to use for there speed controls.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

What Is The Best RC Vehicle Ever Made

Okay there is a debate going on about who makes the best race vehicle in off road and obviously there are a lot of great names out there like Team Associated, Team Durango, Team Losi, Kyosho, Schumacher, and too many to list. So my question to all of the RC community is who is your favorite brand of RC for racing and for bashing they are all in the game to except I would definitely have to add Traxxas. So tell everyone what is your favorite RC vehicle and why no matter what class you are in or if you bash, mudding or even rock climb. Redneck RC would love to know what peoples favorite choices are.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Souper Bowl Shakedown: Going Were No Other RC Race Has Gone

Well this week we are getting prepared for the Souper Bowl Shakedown here at Redneck RC, and in that preparation trying to make this an event that know one will forget. Not only are we going to have dash for cash after each round and then take the top 3 from both races so in the main dash for cash there will be a 6 car race. I want to have a little halftime show like every event. I want to do something different just so people won't forget and have something to talk about when they leave. So for all that are coming to race this event prepare for something different that you have never see at a RC race before.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Mosquito Mk VI BNF Basic by ParkZone

This is looks like an awesome park flyer if anyone has anymore feedback on this plane please us know I am sure there are a lot of people waiting for this.
This is what Horizon Hobby had to say. 
Scale details and fantastic flight characteristics come together beautifully in this exciting, park flyer recreation of Britain’s premier twin-engine warbird. It’s the perfect first twin-motor park flyer for any intermediate to expert skill level pilot.
Nothing Evil about This Twin Despite their differences in subject matter and design, ParkZone park flyers have always shared a common trait – smooth, predictable flight characteristics that will put any sport pilot at ease. The ParkZone aircraft development team has gone to great lengths to make sure its first twin-motor park flyer is no exception.
To that end, they’ve mounted the motors in such a way that their counter-rotating props and thrust angles smooth out the effects of abrupt power changes. This makes the model as fun and relaxing to fly as any single-motor ParkZone warbird.

PKZ6350 $249.99 Internet Pricing
Redneck RC, LLC $225.00 Call and get one on order NOW!
(315) 532-6826

Saturday, January 25, 2014

It’s a truck … it’s an octocopter … it’s the Black Knight Transformer!

Even though this is not hobby related it is so remarkable interesting when I found this article in Model Airplane I had to show all of my hobby readers. I will be interested to know if any hobby manufactures are planning on designing one of these.
Yes, this real, and yes, it has flown (using four of its eight motors). Advanced Tactics of El Segundo, California, has created this rolling, flying VTOL aircraft capable of unmanned, autonomous operations. They call it, “The world’s first roadable vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) aircraft that’s capable of landing close to where it’s needed, then driving the rest of the way.” On the ground, the engine modules fold down so the vehicle can drive on a street. There’s an automotive suspension and drive train with large truck tires.  Now this is an aircraft even our Car Action editors will love! 

Friday, January 24, 2014

Souper Bowl Shakedown! A Week Away Don't Forget To Call and Pre-Register.

1 week away from the Souper Bowl Shakedown! Who is excited? I feel like I'm talking to myself over in the event page. Let's get some conversation going!

Who is pumped to have X Factory guys joining us?

What classes are you running? Remember we need 21 Stock buggies for them to give out the cubed conversion! I have no idea if we will get there unless we make a concerted effort.

Anyone not signed up for the Half Time Dash that wants to be? Still 4 spots left I believe.

Talk about anything, I want to hear what you guys think.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Pro vs Pro-Lite: Is It Best To Separate The Classes!

We have a lot of racers that want to split all the classes up into a pro class and a pro-life class which would also be a novice class. There a couple of things that might be good and might be bad. The best thing is that the pro lite-class you will have another set of winners for those that can not compete with the pro class and they won't give up if they have a chance. This might attract more people because now they do not have to get beat that bad. The other hand it does lower the entries for the classes, but some people would rather battle with the pro class because it will make them better drivers. When it is all said and done just like anything else you can never make everyone happy. You just have to do whats best for the majority of the racers.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Associated 1/10 SC10.2 Factory Team Kit: SALE!

This week at Redneck Rc we having a special on the Associated 10.2 short course truck.

We are selling this truck for $249.99 it is so popular that we thought we would help our local racers out and save ten some money.

FEATURES: Chassis: Molded composite with carbon fiber battery strap Motor Plate: Milled aluminum Drive: Rear wheel Shocks: Factory Team 12mm Big Bore hard anodized aluminum with TiN "gold" 3mm shock shafts Front Suspension: "Gull wing" front suspension arms with updated shock towers for Big Bore shocks Slipper Clutch: VTS slipper, variable torque multi-plate slipper with 3 drive surfaces and high resolution spring Differential: Ball type with lightweight outdrives Ball Bearings: complete set Steering: Factory Team blue aluminum bellcrank set Body: Clear polycarbonate, untrimmed Rear Hubs: Factory Team 12mm blue aluminum 0 degree with 12mm hex drives and oversized outer ball bearing Wheels: KMC style, diameter: 3" (76mm), width 1.6" (41mm), 12mm hex Caster: Adjustable, caster/toe-in refers to the angle of the suspension when viewed from the side of the car in relation to the chassis, includes Factory Team Arm Mounts (ASCC7487) that allow four choices of rear toe-in for different track conditions Camber: Adjustable, camber refers to the angle of the tops of the  tires from vertical when viewed from front or behind vehicle 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Team Losi Racing 22-4 Preview: The Next Generation Wheeler Has Arrived!

One question that has been asked more than any other in the world of 1/10-scale off-road racing has been, "When will they come out with another Team Losi Racing™ 4-wheel drive 1/10-scale buggy?" After many years of focusing on 1/8-scale buggies, 1/10-scale 2WD buggies and short course trucks, the designers have turned their attention back to this core market and have returned to the 4WD "wheeler" class. They're gearing up to hit the track with the 22-4™ 4WD 1/10-scale buggy kit.
Taking inspiration from a number of past and current TLR® vehicles, the 22-4 kit represents a refinement of what has been one of the most popular Team Losi Racing cars ever, the XX-4. And we've found the lineage between the XX-4 and the 22-4 is hard to miss. Some of the things that are instantly recognizable is the triple belt setup, forward-positioned center-mounted motor, saddle pack battery and more. From the 22-series you will recognize things such as super-beefy molded components, titanium carbonitride components, an HDS slipper clutch and big-bore top-filled shocks. In the end, the 22-4 has been designed from the ground-up to take everything drivers loved about the XX-4 and improve the drivability and durability, and update it for the latest-generation batteries, motors and race tracks.
Todd Hodge has helped lead Team Losi Racing into the future with innovative designs such as the 22™ 2WD buggy, 22 2.0 and 8IGHT™ buggy platforms. He has raced both the original XX-4 and is now helping guide the return to 4WD buggies with the 22-4 kit. We visited with Todd to learn more about this chassis, what it has to offer and why he believes it the 4WD car to lead the pack. Sit back and enjoy our exclusive, in-depth look at the Team Losi Racing 22-4 4WD buggy.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Preparation For A Big Race: What Does It Really Take!

Well we are all preparing for the Souperbowl Shakedown and trying to get everything right, but as we all know there is a lot to big races. Not only do we have to get all the sponsors onboard you have to get trophies and the track ready for that big race. The problem is the night before the race you we have a clinic for all the pre entered drivers and then open practice until 11:00 pm. Then we have to get the track ready and that means it is a long night for all of the workers and a early morning to open for the racers. This is what goes into the big races, but the best part is when it is all over and everyone leaves happy. That is the goal we are trying to reach at every race, and so far we have done a pretty good job so hopefully we can make this the best race that our racers have ever ran. So if you are thinking of coming to this race reserve your spot now, and come down to the Souperbowl Shakedown and we have a couple of special races going on just to entertain all of our drivers. Well have a great day and hopefully we will see you all soon.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Girl Killed By Remote Control Plane

A family has been devastated by the death of a girl who was hit on the head by a model plane while walking in a park, police have said.

Tara Lipscombe, 13, from Dartford, Kent, was walking with her mother on Dartford Heath at about 5pm on Wednesday when the incident happened.

A petrol-powered Acrowot plane, which was believed to have a 5ft wingspan, appeared to fly out of control and strike the teenager on the head, causing severe injuries.

Kent Air Ambulance landed 100 metres away from the unconscious girl and flew her to Darent Valley Hospital in three minutes.

Despite efforts of medics, she died from her injuries a few hours later.

The remote control model plane was being flown by a 55-year-old man from south London.
He was spoken to by police officers at the scene along with witnesses.

A Kent Police spokesman said: "An investigation is being carried out into the circumstances of the incident, although early indications suggest this was a very tragic accident.

"The family are quite clearly devastated by what has happened.

"They have gone away to try to come to terms with everything and would appreciate it if people would allow them time for it to sink in and try to get back to life as normal, if that is at all possible."

Saturday, January 18, 2014

The Souperbowl Shakedown: Approaching Quick February 1, 2014

The Souperbowl Shakedown is starting to turn into a huge event we have got so many sponsors on board, and not only is the X-Factory owners coming there team is coming too. We also just landed some more sponsors for the race and the new sponsors that just signed on are Fox, Alpine Star, Red Bull, Rockstar, AXO, One Industries. Yes a lot of motocross sponsors are starting to jump on board and there are a lot of motocross racers who race RC Off Road too. This event just keeps getting bigger and bigger. Friday for anyone coming that signed up before the race the X-Factory team is having a clinic to help the newer racers how to set up there vehicles. There will also be a open practice friday January 31, 2014 for all pre entered racers. 
This event keeps getting bigger and more sponsors keep jumping on board. February 1, 2014 this will be a race you can not forget so hopefully we will see you all there. There is a special dash for cash we do and this will be a thrilling race that we make wild and fun.

Friday, January 17, 2014

How To Fly RC Planes and Helicopters No Matter What: Real Flight 7

Real Flight 7 a simulator for flying that I think is one of the best things a beginner can get. A lot of time people are worried about wrecking there new planes and afraid to fly. Well here is the solution to all your problems just get this simulator and fly so many different kind of planes and helicopters you can not believe. What I feel makes this the greatest invention ever is when you crash it does not cost you a penny you just push the reset button and start again. So you are afraid to fly a 500 dollar plane or helicopter well if all you have to do is press a button and it don't have any repair bill I guess that is it for me. Okay now that we got that part out of are way it also helps you learn to fly it is the closest thing you will get to flying. It teaches you all the orientation of your plane and helicopter while you are flying. The reports that come in are mixed a lot of people say that the simulator is harder than real life and a lot say that it is ease, but the one thing they all agree on it makes you a better flyer.  Remember it don't matter what the weather is outside you can always use this as long as you have your computer and power. So my suggestion is go out and grab you one of these awesome programs and make sure you ask you local hobby shop if your computer will work and have yourself some fun.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

What Is The Future Going To Bring For The Hobby Industry

Since the Internet is getting so big and that is were the business seems to be going. I was wondering if following suite would be the best answer. I know the Internet keeps getting bigger and bigger and maybe a local hobby shop is not the answer. After all you do not have a lot of over head with a Internet store you just have to keep updating it constantly. The local hobby shop does seem to bring in a lot of off road racers which is great to see, but a lot of them buy there stuff online and having a big business to try to make the hobby enjoyable. Well just seems to get harder and harder every day. I like interacting with people and buy at my local stores but I seem to be on the smaller side of the buying industry. I do have to say one of the great things I see about the industry in the change in technology has become incredible and things just keep getting better. That is a totally different article in itself, but I guess the question is now should I put my time, money, and resources into building a online store. I know there are so many out there right now it will be hard to get a chunk of the pie and it seems to be a doggy dog world out there with all the competition. So you tell me what do you think the future is going to bring the hobby industry I guess your opinions are very important please let me know what you think.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

1/5 Scale For Under $!000 Dollars

Built big and bold to deliver high impact excitement, the Losi® Desert Buggy XL™ vehicle makes its presence known with a roaring 23cc gasoline engine. This Losi 1/5th scale buggy powerhouse is designed to withstand the rigors of intense off-road driving with a terrain-killing 4WD drivetrain and a heavy-duty construction that pulverizes the terrain at ballistic speeds. With a rigid injection molded roll cage built on a reinforced 5mm aluminum chassis, the Desert Buggy XL can withstand the punishment of the most brutal driving styles. The Desert Buggy XL is also in for the long haul with a large-capacity gas tank that provides over 40 minutes of relentless action on a full tank. When maintenance is a necessity, the roll cage can be removed for easy access to the chassis. The Losi Desert Buggy XL vehicle is large scale RC driving excitement at its most satisfying.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


X Factory will be in the house for this event! Chazz and Paul Sinclair will be making their way here from Ohio to hang with us Central New Yorkers (and anyone else that comes out)!

Paul is the President of X Factory (the original Mid Motor chassis for Associated vehicles), and a top tier racer with always solid finishes @ national level events such as the Cactus Classic, Motorama, Short Course Nationals and others. He just pulled off a very respectable 9th place overall finish in the Triple-A's @ CRCRC's Midwest Champs against the likes of drivers like Maifield, Cavalieri, and Tebo. He's sponsored by JConcepts, Viper, B-Fast, Lunsford, MIP and others.

Ok, so that's cool.. but that's not all. X Factory is awarding an X - 6 Cubed Conversion Kit (Retail value $224.99) as a prize for the winner of the stock buggy class. They need minimum of 21 entries in the class. Prize to be awarded to the highest-finishing driver who is not sponsored by a chassis company. So, if the winner is a sponsored driver, the prize goes to the second-place finisher, provided he is not sponsored.

That said.. GET THOSE STOCK BUGGIES OUT! 21 is a lot to ask for our area, but based on the survey I threw out last month (this has been in talks for a few weeks), I think we can do it. Note that STOCK BUGGY is 17.5 BLINKY ONLY. This is a nationally run class, and very common at other tracks like Full Throttle, RC Excitement, RC Madness, RCHR, Wolcott, and many other big tracks in the northeast. I know 17.5 anything isn't really run around here on any regular scale, but that's what everyone else runs for a "stock" class.

Oh, and we're still not done.. Paul is also willing to do a "clinic" where any driver can talk with him at length about any issue with any 1/10 electric vehicle. This will be done in a sort of group session on Friday night. Calvin Hall has agreed to have a special FREE closed practice night on Friday for anyone attending and registered for the race. Must be signed up to go on the track. If you want to practice and be there for the seminar but can't make the race Saturday, you are still welcome to join us for the regular practice fee.

Tentative schedule for Friday: There might be practice from 4-7, then the clinic, 7:30 - 8:30 or 9, then practice until 10-10:30. I believe we'll try to make it organized practice. Still need to confirm this.

Oh, and we also added Robinson Racing, B-Fast, SMC, and Sweep to the sponsor list!

Monday, January 13, 2014

What Personality is Behind Your Hobby and Why?

Okay I know there is a lot of people out there that have a hobby or two, but my question is to all of you what is your favorite hobby. I can see things that a lot of people do not see being a business owner. I notice that there is a difference between the personalities of all remote control hobby users. Just in remote control vehicles you can see a big difference in personalities. You have the off road road racers that are mostly there to have fun and it looks like everyone is having a good time relaxing. Then you walk through the door from the off road track to the carpet track and you would think that you are in a different world. The carpet oval racers have a totally different attitude than the off road racers and it is really weird to see. I am not saying that everyone is like this but it seems to fit most. I guess I would like to here from you fans and tell me why you think they are do different, and I did not for get the airplane and helicopter people either. They are split in different categories too and it is hard to explain. More of a difference between they guys that build and the ones that just by ready to fly because they are not interested in building. So if you have any opinions on what you think please let me know I would be very interested in hearing everyones opinions.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

What Do You Think Is the Best Beginner Remote Control Aircraft?

In my opinion the E-flite® Apprentice® S 15e RTF airplane is the most intelligent RC airplane ever offered by Horizon Hobby. At its heart is groundbreaking SAFE™ (Sensor Assisted Flight Envelope) technology that makes RC flight incredibly easy, even for the least experienced user. Its combination of spatial awareness provides flight envelope protection which adds a degree of security never before available, while its smooth flight capability battles windy conditions so that all you feel is control that’s crisp and responsive. Multiple levels of flight envelope protection are provided that can be reduced or removed as your skills progress, yet the “panic” feature is always there to instantly return the model to level flight if you ever lose orientation.
Requiring just minutes to assemble, you’ll appreciate how its quiet brushless power system delivers outstanding performance with long, enjoyable flights. Plus it’s built to last from lightweight Z-Foam™ material that’s tough enough to handle everyday flying punishment without getting bent out of shape. After you’ve mastered the basics of flight, the Apprentice S is capable of performing a complement of aerobatic maneuvers such as loops, rolls, and even inverted flight. You can also turn the Apprentice S into a great floatplane by simply adding the specially designed E-flite Apprentice S Floats (EFLA550)—sold separately.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Why Buy Local? Here Are 6 More Reasons To Buy Local?

By “local,” I mean any business that you can easily get to by walking, driving or via public transportation; and is independently owned by people from the area. National firms, whether brick-and-mortar or online, don’t qualify.
Why is this a good idea right now? Because as we become global consumers, shopping at chain stores and online, it’s easy to forget how crucial small, independent businesses are to our collective well-being.The point is to go in person to a locally owned store and spend money. It doesn’t have to be a lot. If your budget is tight, make it a basic item you would have bought anyway. In short, reallocate some of your usual spending to small businesses near you.
In fact, small businesses are the backbone of the U.S. economy, accounting for about half of all private-sector jobs, and 65 percent of new jobs created in the past 17 years.
Local economies often depend on businesses at the low end of that scale, many employing just a few people.
For a real economic recovery to take off nationally, it must happen among the millions of small enterprises in our cities and towns. Running these businesses isn’t easy. Larger companies enjoy all kinds of competitive advantages, and online shopping has cut deeply into local economies.
It’s time to make buying local a conscious part of our routines, just like physical exercise — something you do because of the many benefits it brings.
Still need convincing? Addicted to the efficiency of buying online? Shopping at small, local stores is a lot smarter than you think:
1. It Gives You Control. The fiscal cliff drama is a reminder that many aspects of our economic lives are out of our hands, controlled by distant people pursuing agendas that aren’t necessarily in line with our own. The rise of big-box stores and giant retail websites is more of the same. Where did that meat come from? Why are ads for the shoes I was checking out yesterday following me everywhere I go online? Buying local is partly about taking back control. You’re dealing with real people who understand what they’re selling and, in most cases, will stand by it.
2. Local Spending Circles Back to You. The money you spend at national chains and big online stores enriches distant organizations and their stockholders. Local independents are more likely to keep their profits circulating in the local economy, a multiplier effect that directly benefits you and your neighbors. Small retailers and service providers support their communities in countless other ways, too, from sponsoring youth sports teams to supporting local charitable organizations.
3. Make It a Percentage. For most of us, buying everything local isn’t practical. Instead, designate a percentage of your spending for this purpose. The 10% shift movement, which started in New England several years ago, suggests households shift 10 percent of their total spending from non-local businesses to local independents. For instance, if you normally spend $300 a week on groceries, set aside $30 of that for shopping at a local bakery, farm stand or family-owned market. If you’re currently ordering 20 hardcopy books a year from Amazon, resolve to buy at least two at an independent bookstore.
4. Price It Out. Buying local doesn’t have to cost more. Local businesses work hard to keep their prices competitive. With online purchases, shipping often cancels out any discount. Comparison shop and you’ll be surprised at the bargains awaiting you down the street.
5. Get Happy. Shopping at local stores, where the person serving you is frequently the owner, is a terrific antidote to our impersonal, screen-driven work lives. There are several stores in my town that I create excuses to visit, just because I like being there. I’ll inevitably spend a few bucks, a small price to pay for a warm smile and chat, and the emotional boost I take away.
6. Build a Better World. If efficiency and cost are all that matter, then big-box stores and online behemoths should rule the world. But is that the world we want? Are we just pure consumers or are we something more? One of the fundamental tenets of modern capitalism is that free markets build better communities. For that to happen, small local enterprises must remain vital. Embrace the idea that business can be a force for good, and shop accordingly.
Why leave it to the politicians to save the economy when, in the long run, we can do so much ourselves? When you buy local, you’re shaping a brighter future for your community, your family and yourself. That’s an economic plan worth supporting.